I just walked through the Stanford CS103 course’s major slides and tried to fix some confusions of Automaton and Turing Machine in such a fulgural way. However, I found that I still felt not clear enough of come key ideas, so I guess maybe this is not a effective way to study something so tough like Theory of Computing. Therefore, I plan to relearn this content as a course, i.e., listening to vedios, taking notes, doing practices and assignments, and joining in some discussions.
And thank CMU for its publicly available course vedios, I could have the chance to implement my plan. Of course, Stanford CS103 is also splendid, except that its course vedios are not available. Nevertheless, its slides and other resources are still excellent resource for learning.
In a word, this series of posts are my study notes for Theory of Computing, mainly following the plot of CMU CS251 course but not restricted to this scope.