Methematical Fundations of Computing: Study Note of CS103


Keywords: Computing Model, Finite Automata (FA or DFA), Undeterministic Finite Automata (UFA), Problem, Decision Problem, Function Problem, Turing Machine (TM), Language, Recognizable Language, Regular Language, Decidable Language

Above are the major topic that will be talked in this artical. And this artical is basically a digest of Stanford CS103 course slides, which ignores the proof of some conclusion and detailed explainations of some ideas, but just lists the critical conclusions and notions that are helpful for understanding Static Program Analysis.

Advanced classes are CS154 and CS254. And this is 2018 version of CS103, this is 2022 Version of CS103.


How to define the terminology problem?

We want a definition that

  • corresponds to the problems we want to solve,
  • captures a large class of problems, and
  • is mathematically simple to reason about.

No one definition has all three properties.

So we focus on Decision Problems.

Definition: A decision problem is the problem of determining an answer to a class of yes/no questions about some objects of interest.

Note: the above definition points out that a decision problem should contain a class of yes/no questions,And these questions should be about some objects of interest. “A class of” here should be payed special attention to, which emphasizes that those questions should be of similar forms, i.e., they are about the same property of a same class of objects. A class of objects also have some restrictions, there must exist an alphabet $\Sigma$ that and the each object in the class of objects has an one-one correspondence to a specific string in the string set $\Sigma*$.

The other types of problems are function problems, which require to take in an input and produce some output object rather than just a yes/no answer.

Decision Problems has the following advantages over none-decision problems:

  • Convenient to reason methematically,
  • Have simple methematical forms,
  • etc.

How do we encode a problem: language

Any Decision Problems can be transformed into the problem of recognizing strings’ membership in a language, i.e., to decide whether a given string belongs to a defined language.

This claim seems unreasonable, but remember how we defined the terminology class of objects? We have required them to be encodable!

Since Solving Decision Problem = Strings Recognizing, we can talk about Languages instead of a specific Decision Problem in the rest part of this artical. As for how a problem could be transformed, it’s another story, and this pdf explains some details. Basically it is the notion same as encoding a class of objects or combinations of classes of objects.

Note that Finite Automata as a class of objects is encodable!

Finite Automata

Note: this is correspondent to CS103 Lecture 11-13

automaton (/ɔːˈtɒmətən/; plural: automata or automatons)

Three crutial aspects of finite automata:

  • finite states
  • transition over specific inputs (be with an alphabet $\Sigma$)
  • only one start state & multiple stop states

And we can define our automata’s stop states by deviding them into 2 types: accept states and reject states, so that we can use this automata to solve Decision Problems.

Language of FA: Regular Languages

Definition: Languages defined by regular expression are Regular Languages.

Conclusion: For any single regular language, there exists an finite automata that:

  • gets into Accept States and halts with string s, when s belongs to the language, and
  • gets into Reject States and halts with string s, when s does NOT belongs to the language.

We call a language that satisfies the above condition to a specific automata as the language of that automata.

Undeterministic Finite Automata

to be completed…

Turing Machines

A Turing Machine consists of:

  • a finite automata as controler,
  • a infinite long tape with a head pointing to one position on the tape

The Start State of a Turing Machine means:

  • the FA is at the Start State and
  • the input string is somewhere on the tape (where exactly doesn’t really matter), and if not given a input, the tape is defaultly set to all Blank Character.
  • the head of the tape points to the first character of the input string.

The execution of a Turing Machine works by repeating the 3 steps until it gets into a Stop State:

  • Read the pointed character of the head as input
  • Write back to the pointed position
  • Transist to the next state

Language of TM: Recognizability and RE Languages

We can define Language of a Turing Machine just like the Language of a Finite Automata, i.e., the set of strings containing all strings that could be the input of that TM and make the TM to get into an Accept State.

Then we can define Recognizable Languages, which is a sub set of Languages in which Language $L$ satisfies: there exisit a Turing Machine $M$ that $L$ is the language of $M$. We denote Recognizable Languages as $RE$ Languages.

Note: NOT all languages has it’s correspondent Turing Machine, only RE has!

Decidability and R​ Languages

Since the execution of a Turing Machine with an input s could be devided into exactly 3 categories: ending at Accept State, ending at Reject State and does NOT end at all (i.e. diverge). And if we input a string $S \notin L$, then the Turing Machine $M$ may and may not stop.

If for any $S \notin L$, the Turing Machine $M$ stops (at an Reject State), then $L$ is Decidable, and the Turing Machine $M$ is a Decider. We denote Decidable Languages as $R$ Languages.

It is instantly available that $R \subseteq RE$, but is $R = RE$?

Conclusion: R ≠ RE​!

It has been proved.

How to encode a TM + its input?

We denote the encoding of Turing Machine $M$ plus its input string $s$ as $e<M,s>$ .

to be continued…

Universal Turing Machines

Definition: a Universal Turing Machine ($U_{TM}$) takes in the encoding $e< M,s >$, where $M$ is any Turing machine and $s$ is any string in the set of $\Sigma*$. And the $U_{TM}$ should satisfy:

  • it rejects $e<M,s>$ iff $M$ reject $s$,
  • it accepts $e<M,s>$ iff $M$ accept $s$

Theorem (Turing, 1936): There is a Turing machine UT called the universal Turing machine that, when run on an input of the form ⟨M, w⟩, where M is a Turing machine and w is a string, simulates M running on w and does whatever M does on w (accepts, rejects, or loops). CS103 2018 Small22.pdf

Static Program Analyzer

Fail state of a TM

If we model programs as deterministic Turing machines, program failure can be modeled using a special fail state.2 That is, on a given input, a Turing machine will eventually halt in its accept state (intuitively returning “yes”), in its reject state (intuitively returning “no”), in its fail state (meaning that the correctness condition has been violated), or the machine diverges (i.e., never halts). A Turing machine is correct if its fail state is unreachable. Static Program Anaysis Section 1.1

Does perfect universal analyzer exist?

It is impossible to build a static program analysis that can decide whether a given program may fail when executed. Moreover, this result holds even if the analysis is only required to work for programs that halt on all inputs.

Note: such an analyzer is not a $U_{TM}$, because it takes in only $e< M >$ and accept not based on $M$’s execution on a single $s$, but based on any of $M$’s execution on all $s\in \Sigma*$. And it accepts when $M$’s fail state is unreachable.

Thinking: is it possible to built such machine if we make more restriction on the input TM?


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Last modified 2022.12.05